Penang, Malaysia - Doorways conceal and doorways reveal. What's inside? Who lives here? They keep you out and yet, they also provide an entrance into someone else's world. You can often learn a lot about people, or about a shop, based on the door. Sort of like shoes. Here are some of the doors that caught my eye while wandering through Penang today.

This ornate door fronts a shop on Penang Road where we found many antique curios and other neat items. As if the door wasn't fancy enough, the wall was also lined with tile. The one below, too, included minute detail and even the security bars had some flair.

The next two doors were pretty common aluminum doors, but their owners had taken the time to paint them vibrant colours. Many shops have similar doors facing jagged, raised sidewalks which weave in, out and under myriad arches.

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