The Milky Way seared a bright scar across the sky. In Maras, we had climbed to 3,200 metres above sea level for our nightly reflection session – but under the stars, away from ambient light.
Sporadically, comets arced across the tableau as many of the team layed on the on their backs, reflecting on the enormity of our world, and our universe. Unfortunately, the altitude took a grip on Jared and we needed to bring him into Cusco for medical attention.
In the middle of the night, the streets in the countryside were predominantly silent, except for large packs of dogs that would follow in the wake of our taillights. Bouncing down steep stone streets, I was impressed by the city’s massive churches and impressive plazas. Even in the darkness. The streets here, too, were quiet. And after a night’s rest, it’s hoped that what ailed Jared is too.
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