Entering Michigan, we were confronted by a sign that advertised, "For all your deer processing needs." Really? Of course, this was soon followed by a woman driving an SUV, talking on her cellular phone with children in the back. And a large deer head sitting, hauntingly, in the passenger seat. I wish I was kidding. And that I wasn't haunted by memories of The Godfather.
We discovered that Wisconsin claims to be the birthplace of circuses. And carnies, one would suppose, though that's obviously less of a claim to fame. Crossing the Mississippi river, and into Minnesota, we were greeted by the beginnings of hills and sky of purple and pink wisps of cloud reminiscent of peacock feathers. Day one was thus complete.
Alas, we got no cheese in Wiscoooonsinnnn.
- Time: 11 hours
- Distance: 1,150 kilometres
- Weather: Sun, Moderate
- Provinces/States: Ontario, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota
- Wildlife: Wild turkeys
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