With that notice plastered in sweat to our arms, we knew were in for some heat today, but it was nothing a dunk in the ocean boogie boarding at Nags Head couldn’t solve.
The day began with a drive through Virginia, where we stopped at the Calvin L. Adams Country Store, an eclectic little shop in an area where the first peanuts were grown in the United States. With antique cleavers, farm implements and cigarette labels lining cluttered walls, there was plenty to look at. And, to an outside observer, much of it seemed pretty random. Cardboard boxes of country cured ham (heads) rested by the front door, giving the air a spicy smell. Stuffed dear and bear heads stared back at us, their gaze frozen despite word bubbles taped below. Groceries, peanuts, baked goods and small boxes of seed cotton filled every nook and cranny.
We also chuckled at a couple signs along the way:
- A sign between Richmond and Norfolk, Virginia advertising a “Pork, Peanut and Pine Festival.”
- A gun store in Ivor, Virginia with a sign that said, “If size is an issue, get a bigger one. Get a .45.” (Got to love the right to bear arms.)
- A bumper sticker that said “Hunt WITH your kids, not for them,” in Windsor, Virginia. (Let’s hear it for family values.)
- Another bumper sticker with "Oh no no no" and a crude caricature of Barack Obama with an X through it. (Could it be we're in the south?)

Not to mention a success and, at long last, an opportunity for a break.
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