Given Obama's Kenyan heritage, in fact, he's a popular choice here. I've seen a few Obama bumper stickers, shirts, baseball hats and have even heard of women wearing kangas printed with his image. He's also often a frequent topic of conversation with people who assume I'm American (despite my attempts to wave the Canadian flag). Inauguration viewing parties were held here, as across the globe.
But the crew at KCCEM has ratcheted up the celebration for tonight. Apparently, promises were made during the election and now the College has to buy a goat. And roast it.
I've given it the name McCalin.
(Update: Given an expected influx of guests, we're now the proud, ahem, temporary, owners of not one, but two goats: McCain and Palin. I can't say I'm overly accustomed to my dinner grazing in the backyard. On its side dishes. Mmmm, goat: no kidding, it can't be bleet.)
A little EeHenAy never hurt anyone.